Wanderlust Update #1
Hey y'all!
So recently we took a drive up north to visit our beloved Oceanus ( Soon-to-be- Wanderlust) to figure out what she needed, and to do a little cleaning and taking of pictures. We (I) recorded some video to let you clean and work vicariously through us.
Some common phrases as we worked: "Oh Shit", " What have we gotten ourselves into?" , "What the hell is that?", "Where does this tube lead?" , "well, that needs to be replaced", and "What is this hole for?" .
It was a truly eye-opening and toe-numbing time. I recorded a few hours of video and edited it down into a 20 minute clip. Then I asked myself and others, "Is that too long?" . So if I think it is too long, I guess it probably is. So we decided to break it up into smaller updates to keep you folks interested and coming back for more!
On a side note, through this experience I have learned a few things. I say "umm" quite a bit. I'm working on breaking that habit. Please bear with us these first few updates as I practice my filming/editing/speech skills.
On a side-side note, I was going to apologize for my un made-up face, greasy hair, and ugly winter clothes. And then I realized that there is no reason for me to apologize. TAKE THAT PATRIARCHAL SOCIETY.
If you have any comments, tips, tricks, anecdotes, tales, myths, advice, or words-of-wisdom for us on this day, in the year of our boat, please share.
Thank you!